
Welcome to my Art and Lifestyle Blog. Follow my adventures as a Bohemian artist.



Flower of the day: Periwinkle

Periwinkle wildflower Grow in areas where you can. Wildflower of the day: Periwinkle. I came across this flower walking home yesterday evening along the road.  I do love purple flowers 💜 and thanx to Google I'm learning all the names... Continue Reading →

Year of the Dragon

Year of the Dragon May the Dragon year bring you abundance and wealth this lunar new year ✨️ 🐲 🪙I've finished all my work and I'm closing shop to usher in the new year this weekend!In Chinese culture, we prepare... Continue Reading →

Pu’er Chinese fermented tea

Pu'er Chinese fermented tea Pu'er tea, The elixir of health. This Chinese tea is aged and naturally fermented. It is kept in a round disc block and stored in a cool dry place.

Chinese New Year Love letters

Kueh kapit or love letters Sharing love through your stomach. This is the Chinese New Year favourite. Cookies called kueh kapit or love letters. It's like a thin crispy pancake that melts in your mouth.

Peanut cookies

Chinese new year peanut cookies Who loves Chinese New Year peanut cookies? If you don't know what they are, you need to find some.Sketch of the day the classic peanut cookie.Eat your way to a good fortune. In Chinese culture, ... Continue Reading →

Fortune cookie

Fortune cookie Counting down to Chinese New Year. Today's sketch is of one of my favourites. The fortune cookie. Blessings will arrive soon ✨️

Kowhei and golden wattle flowers

Kowhei and golden wattle flowers Sketch of the day Kowhei and Golden wattle. Anyone recognise these flowers? These have been a study for a project I'm working on. The final drawings are to see if the idea works as a... Continue Reading →

Plum blossom and Melati putih flowers

Plum blossom and Melati putih Happy Monday. Im starting the week with some sketching and painting.Sketch of the day Plum blossom and Melati putih flowers (Jasmin Sambac).

Azelea and Hibiscus flowers

Azelea and Hibiscus flowers Sketch of Azelea and Hibiscus flowers. This is my process of working. I think of an idea in my head and when it's ready, I do a quick sketch of it to see if it works... Continue Reading →

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